Sunday, January 27, 2008

Goodbye blogger

Whelp, I helped my wife redo her old web page and decided to go Wordpress with her and I enjoyed the experience so much I went ahead and redid mine. So no more Blogger for me. In the future I am at:

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

2007 Books

Well I had earned another monthly credit with and so went looking to download a new audiobook today. Signing up for is probably the best thing I have done for my daily 2 hours of commute since discovering podcasts. So I began to consider what books I have read this year either in paper or audio format. I have gone from one to two books for the first half of the year to a couple books a month since jumping on the audio format.

In no particular order, without author names, and probably with typos I have read the following in 2007 so far (that I can remember):

The Dupin Stories
The Golden Compass: His Dark Materials
The Sword of Truth: Wizards First Rule
The Sword of Truth: Stone of Tears
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Bourne Identity
Bourne Supremacy
Bourne Ultimatum
Ender's Game
Speaker for the Dead
Road of the Patriarch
American Gods
Foundation (incomplete, need to pick up another copy.. left in an airplane about 75% through)
Knife of Dreams
Confessions of an Economic Hitman
Jim Cramer's Real Money
Cryptonomicon (a reread but got about half way through before I lost the book.. stupid airplanes)

Monday, June 4, 2007

Quick Post

I haven't posted in a while, I just happened to be doing my morning check on RSS feeds and came across one on Google's new online security blog that I thought was fantastic and very to the point. Virtualization is getting a ton of talk these days and starting to get nearer to the every day user.

Thoughtful and quick to read.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Vulnerability Management

A couple of posts off a blog I subscribe to the RSS feed to, interesting reading.

Effective Vulnerability Management (Part 1)
Effective Vulnerability Management (Part 2)

I have a couple of RSS feeds and bookmarks I monitor/frequent, I just use live bookmarks in Firefox and have a folder for Comics/News/Security/Tech/ and more stuff.

Example, Comics I hit:

XKCD Makes me happy
User Friendly (Of Course)
Dilbert (I actually have this on my Google personalized home page and I get it in email... little too much coverage)
PvP "Hobbits are goooodd eatin"

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Google moon

I was working on a post on getting audiobooks I purchased off of iTunes to show up under Audiobooks in my iPod. But a buddy sent over a link to Google moon and since I just came off of a Google love fest post I thought I would include.

Make sure you zoom in real close too :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

First Post

It seems I have gone Google crazy lately. I've been a user of gmail and Google calendar for a fairly long time now. Google calendar has been perfect for my wife and I to allow us to quickly check the other's schedule. Now I have rediscovered the Google personalized home page! Hours upon hours of wasted time adding and removing "stuff!" I can go off into a tangent on the impact of the Google personalized home page alone on my web browsing experience alone!

Seeing how I can now use Google for virtually anything these days I decided that if I were to start blogging I might as well use a Google (or Google purchased) option... Blogger!!

Oh I had plenty of web space else where with the terrific hosting company I use for my wife's web page, and I could have just popped into fantastico and loaded a version of wordpress... but out of laziness, a strange new Google obsession, and laziness I went with Blogger.

So here it is... my blog. Initially it is called Minimum Attention Span... but I don't know if that title will hold for long. The blog is going to pretty well cover anything that catches my whim... so there won't be a lot of focus.

Well.. there is a start!